Florida Legislature Supports The Digital Democracy Project

— Bipartisan Support —

With bipartisan sponsorship and support in the Florida House and Senate, Digital Democracy Project (that uses the Voatz platform) was approved for Department of State funding — $125,000 for fiscal year 2024-25. This funding will enable the enhancement of the civic engagement platform to include local initiatives.

The appropriation sponsors were Rep. Rita Harris (D-Dist. 44) and Sen. Keith Perry (R-Dist. 9). Enthusiastic supporters also worked behind the scenes in Tallahassee to get this funding approved. Sen. Victor Torres (D-Dist. 25), Rep. Jim Mooney (R-Dist. 120), Rep. Tom Keen (D-Dist. 35) were also key supporters.

Read more here and sign up to vote if you are a registered voter in the State of Floria.

Update (06/20/24): Unfortunately, Governor DeSantis has vetoed this funding request despite the bipartisan support in the legislature.

The Digital Democracy Project officially kicks off in Florida

All registered voters in the State of Florida can participate.

Ever wish you could tell your legislators exactly how to vote? Well, now you can! 

The Digital Democracy Project is live. All registered Florida voters can visit here to get started.

Once voters submit their (secret) votes, the tally and other insightful statistics are available here.

The legislator scorecard can be viewed here.

Voatz is providing the secure voting technology for this project and is proud to be a part of this initiative led by Ramon Perez and his team.